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09.02.2024. -
Women and Men in the Republic of Serbia, 2023

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of UN Women, the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women, released the seventh in line publication “Women and Men in the Republic of Serbia” for the year 2023.

The publication came as the result of observing the user needs to follow, by the means of statistical data, the social status and inter-gender relationships and with the aim, by using statistics, to establish and implement policies directed to eliminating inter-gender inequalities and upgrading equal opportunities for all. For the respective status analyses, adopting adequate measures and following their implementation, it is required to ensure regular systematic statistical indicators and their upgrading.

In addition, in this publication presented are indicators serving to follow the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and for the time being 33 SDGs are available. The seventh publication includes a new chapter dedicated to ICT (Information – Communication Technologies). 

Download the publication “Women and Men in the Republic of Serbia” here.