Type of assistance: Complementary technical assistance to the grant contract yet to be signed
Project duration: 15/01/2024 – 30/11/2026
EU Contribution: 100 %
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is the recipient of EU donation under the IPA 2022 programme aiming to upgrade statistical system and increase interconnectivity of statistical data. The programme is consisted of direct grant to SORS (EU4SORS - Development of modern statistical system) and this complementary technical assistance.
The global objective of this assistance is to continue the process of modernization of the Serbian statistical system and support its full harmonization with the European Statistical System.
There are two specific objectives:
• Support the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia in detail project design and drafting of the Description of the Action with Log frame for the grant contract.
• Technical assistance and monitoring of implementation of all project components under grant contract including the advisory role during the whole process.
Grant Agreement Number: 2019/408-825
Project duration: 23/07/2019 – 22/07/2024
EU Contribution: 55.17 %
The overall objective of the Project is further alignment of the national statistical system with international standards, primarily with the standards of European Statistical System (ESS) and improving evidence based decision-making.
The specific objective of the Project is to increase the availability, quality, comparability and
timeliness of high quality and policy-relevant statistical data.
The Project consists in carrying out of the four ,,Components” that present highly important statistical surveys:
1. Population, households and dwellings Census 2022 (PC)
2. Agricultural Census 2023 (AC)
3. European Health Interview Survey (EHIS 2019)
4. Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS 2019)
The alignment will facilitate and improve the data comparability at national, regional and international level due to the type of data collected and the moment of collection.
The Project will contribute consequently to strengthen the implementation of the national strategies targeting different sectors and stakeholders.
Grant Agreement Number: 2023.0331
Project duration: 01/01/2024 – 21/12/2027
EU contribution: 95%
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) has been awarded a direct grant by the European Commission, in cooperation with Eurostat, within the Multi-Beneficiary Programme IPA 2022 framework (The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance), which represents continuation of the work done so far with purpose to improve the statistical system of the Republic of Serbia in order to achieve harmonization with the European Statistical System (ESS), by strengthening the SORS and its coordination role in the country's statistical system as well as aligning methodologies with European Union legislation.
The program continues to support the strengthening of SORS administrative capacity in order to improve the quality of statistical information and to reinforce confidence in methods and professionalism, provide data that is accurate, reliable, and timely collected in full compliance with EU legal framework along with dissemination of results according to user needs.
The project presents continuation of previously implemented programmes and it is conducted through Grant contract. Within Grant contract, SORS will implement the following 12 statistical projects:
•Government Finance and Excessive Deficit Statistics (GFS_EDP)
•Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices, House Price Index (HICP_HPI)
•Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
•Business Registers (BR)
•Short-term business statistics (STS): Improvement of compliance with the European business statistics regulation (STS)
•Transport statistics (TS)
•Energy statistics (ES)
•Labour force survey (LFS)
•Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC)
•Labour Cost Index (LCI)
•Environmental accounts (EA)
•Quality management (QM)
These projects usually include an assessment of the situation in a particular area with special emphasis on data quality, targeted statistical technical assistance, training and the provision of special expertise to help countries develop and implement appropriate methodologies in order to collect statistical data and disseminate final results.
In addition, the project envisages the attendance and participation at the Eurostat meetings, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the defined statistical areas, study visits, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and other statistical institutions of the Member States.
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/036/2023/890470
Project duration: 01/05/2023 – 30/04/2024
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
•Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
•Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
•Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
•Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
•Consumer Survey.
Ref. EuropeAid/139710/DH/SER/RS
Service Contract: 2019/407-251
Project duration: 03/09/2019 – 30/06/2022
EU Contribution: 100 %
The overall objective of the project is to develop efficient and sustainable statistical systems in line with European Statistical System capable for providing, reliable, objective and accurate data needed to plan and monitor the process of transition and reform in Serbia.
Service contract presents second part of IPA 2016 programme, which contains two main components – National accounts and Tourism statistics.
Specific purposes are following:
Improvement of National Accounts; further harmonization of the System of National Accounts (SNA) with international standards, i.e. timely and quality implementation of new SNA standards 2008 and the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010).
Improvement of existing tourism statistics and introducing the missing indicators: – incoming tourism statistics (foreign tourist on the demand side) in accordance with EU and international standards.
Survey on foreign tourists in the Republic of Serbia in 2021
The pilot survey is taking place from 20.11 – 30.11.2017, and fieldwork will be held from1.10 – 30.11.2018. The results will be published in 2019.
The overall objective of the project is to harmonise methodologies and standards, applied for the production of a reliable statistical basis necessary for Serbian's social and economic system in view of accession to the EU, and to harmonise relevant statistics and indicators available for use as basis for public policies in all key areas.
The project consists of three components and it focuses on the further development of SORS’s ICT system, improvement of the National Accounts system in regards to the compilation of Supply and Use tables and the improvement of existing and the development of new Sustainable Development Indicators.
Efforts in these three fields are supported by horizontal activities oriented at raising awareness about importance of better connection of all official producers of statistical data and promoting communication with stakeholders and end-users.
IPA 2012 – Supply Contract - Strengthening the Serbian statistical system by upgrading methodologies and standards and by appliance of good practice (equipment supply)
Ref. EuropeAID/137309/DH/SUP/RS
Project duration: 15/12/2015 – 24/09/2016
EU contribution: 100%
The project focuses on the further development of the SORS’s ICT system as recommended by the IPA 2007 national project and covers supply, delivery, unloading, installation, training and commissioning of the following supplies: Datacentre Infrastructure items; Network Infrastructure items; Servers, Workstations, Notebooks, Tablets items; Peripherals items.
Direct Grant for alignment with the European Statistical System (ESS) – IPA 2011
The specific objective of the Action is to improve the Serbian Statistical System by increasing the number and the quality of the statistical data collected by the Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia (SORS).
Grant Agreement Number: 2020.0253
Project duration: 01/09/2021 – 31/03/2024
EU contribution: 100%
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) has been awarded a direct grant by the European Commission, in cooperation with Eurostat, within the Multi-Beneficiary Programme IPA 2019 framework (The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance), which represents continuation of the work done so far with purpose to improve the statistical system of the Republic of Serbia in order to achieve harmonization with the European Statistical System (ESS), by strengthening the SORS and its coordination role in the country's statistical system as well as aligning methodologies with European Union legislation.
The program continues to support the strengthening of SORS administrative capacity in order to improve the quality of statistical information and to reinforce confidence in methods and professionalism, provide data that is accurate, reliable, and timely collected in full compliance with EU legal framework along with dissemination of results according to user needs.
The project presents continuation of previously implemented programmes and it is conducted through Grant contract and Service contract. Within Grant contract, SORS will implement the following 10 statistical projects:
• Government Finance and Excessive Deficit Statistics
• Harmonized Indices of Consumer prices (HICP) and House Price Index (HPI)
• Price statistics - PPP
• Short-term business statistics (STS): Implementation of FRIBS
• International Trade in Goods Statistics (ITGS)
• Labour Force Survey (LFS)
• Environmental accounts and forestry
• Quality management
• Implementation of standards for data and metadata exchange
• Introduction of new administrative sources in the production of the official statistics (NASP)
The following five projects will be realized under the Service contract:
• National Accounts – Methodology
• Transmission programme, annual national accounts (ANA), quarterly national accounts (QNA) and quality reporting
• Regional accounts
• Sector Accounts
• Supply, use and input-output tables (SUT/IOT)
These projects usually include an assessment of the situation in a particular area with special emphasis on data quality, targeted statistical technical assistance, training and the provision of special expertise to help countries develop and implement appropriate methodologies in order to collect statistical data and disseminate final results.
In addition, the project envisages the attendance and participation at the Eurostat meetings, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the defined statistical areas, study visits, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and other statistical institutions of the Member States.
IPA 2017 Multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programme
Grant Agreement Number: 2018.0267
Project duration: 01/05/2019 – 30/06/2022
EU contribution: 95%
Within the IPA programme framework, the European Commission, in cooperation with Eurostat, once again has awarded a direct grant to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, which represents a continuation of the work done so far and a confirmation that the successful cooperation will be resumed in future. Like in the previous IPA Multi-beneficiary programmes, the goal of this project is to upgrade the Serbian statistical system so to achieve harmonization with the European Statistical System by aligning the SORS present methodologies and output with the EU acquis. In addition, the purpose of the project is to intensify efforts to improve the quality of statistical information and to reinforce confidence in methods and professionalism, thus providing policy makers and the international community with reliable statistical data.
Also, the purpose of this international programme of statistical cooperation is to improve the collection and the quality of official statistics that are comparable in key areas at the level of the EU, as well as to maintain the achieved harmonization within the already implemented statistical assistance programmes.
The project is logical continuation of the projects implemented so far and it is conducted through Grant contract and Service contract. Within Grant contract 17 statistical areas are covered:
• Government Finance and Excessive Deficit Statistics
• HICP and HPI
• Price statistics –PPPs
• Business Registers
• Short-term business statistics: preparation for FRIBS
• Structural business statistics (SBS) and business demography statistics (BD)
• International Trade in Goods Statistics (ITGS)
• Labour Force Survey
• EU-SILC implementation
• Survey on gender based violence (GBV)
• Environmental accounts
• Quality management
• Metadata
• Macroeconomic imbalances procedure (MIP) indicators and underlying statistics
• The Use of Administrative Data for Better Statistics
• Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS)
• Integrated data and information management of social protection benefits and other types of income
The following six projects are realized under the Service contract:
• National Accounts – Methodology
• Transmission programme, annual national accounts (ANA), quarterly national accounts (QNA) and quality reporting
• Regional accounts
• Sector Accounts
• Supply, use and input-output tables (SUT/IOT)
• Agriculural statistics.
In addition, the project envisages the attendance and participation at the Eurostat meetings, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the defined statistical areas, study visits, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and other statistical institutions of the Member States.
Grant Agreement Number: 14463.2015.003-2016.506
Project duration: 01/07/2017 – 31/10/2019
EU contribution: 95%
Within the IPA programme framework, the European Commission, in cooperation with Eurostat, once again has awarded a direct grant to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, which represents a continuation of the work done so far and a confirmation that the successful cooperation will be resumed in future. Like in the previous IPA Multi-beneficiary programmes, the goal of this project is to upgrade the Serbian statistical system so to achieve harmonization with the European Statistical System by aligning the SORS present methodologies and output with the EU acquis In addition, the purpose of the project is to intensify efforts to improve the quality of statistical information and to reinforce confidence in methods and professionalism, thus providing policy makers and the international community with reliable statistical data.
Also, the purpose of this international programme of statistical cooperation is to improve the collection and the quality of official statistics that are comparable in key areas at the level of the EU, as well as to maintain the achieved harmonization within the already implemented statistical assistance programmes.
The project represents a logical continuation of the projects implemented so far and it covers 16 statistical areas:
• Government Finance and Excessive Deficit Statistics
• International trade in services statistics
• Price statistics -PPPs
• Business Registers
• Short-term business statistics: implementation of ESS guidelines and standards
• Transport statistics – passenger and freight statistics
• Tourism statistics
• Labour Force Survey
• EU-SILC implementation
• Crop statistics: Annual crop statistics (ACS) and Permanent crop statistics
• Animal production statistics
• Agri-monetary statistics
• Environment statistics and environmental accounts
• Pilot population census
• Interoperability – Joined Up Data for Joined Up Government
In addition, the project envisages the attendance and participation at the Eurostat meetings, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the defined statistical areas, study visits, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and other statistical institutions of the Member States.
IPA 2014 Multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programme
Grant Agreement Number: 14463.2014.003-2015.142
Project duration: 01/10/2015 – 31/08/2017
EU contribution: 90%
Within the IPA programme framework, the European Commission, in cooperation with Eurostat, has again awarded a direct grant to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia which represents a continuation of the work done so far and a confirmation that the successful cooperation will extend in the future as well. Like in the previous IPA multi-beneficiary programmes, the goal of this project is also the enhancement of the statistical system of Serbia aimed at harmonization with the European Statistical System. In addition, the purpose of the project is to help build the capacities of the SORS to programme its activities that are in connection with the integration into the European Statistical System.
Also, the purpose of this international programme of statistical cooperation is to improve the collection and quality of official statistics that are comparable in key areas at the level of the EU, as well as to maintain the achieved harmonization within the already implemented statistical assistance programmes.
The project represents a logical continuation of the projects implemented so far and it covers 14 statistical areas:
• National accounts methodology
• ESA 2010 Transmission programme; QNAAnnual crops statistics
• Government finance statisticsStructure of earnings survey
• Price statistics – PPPs
• Social protection statistics (ESSPROS)
• Income and living conditions (SILC)
• International trade in goods statistics
• Transport statistics - passenger and freight statistics
• Short-term statistics
• Labour force survey (LFS)
• Price statistics - HICP; House price index
• Annual crops statistics
• Animal production statistics
• Ad-hoc Developing Job Vacancy Statistics in statistical system of Serbia
Also, the project covers attending of the meetings at the Eurostat, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the stated statistical areas, study visits, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and other statistical institutions of the EU member countries.
Also, the project covers attending of the working groups meetings at the Eurostat, trainings in the country and abroad, missions of experts for the stated statistical areas, study tours, as well as several-month long additional vocational education of the SORS employees at the Eurostat and statistical offices of the EU member countries.
IPA 2011 Multi-beneficiary statistical cooperation programme
Grant Agreement Number: 60702.2011.003-2012.935
Project duration: 01/09/2012 – 01/09/2014
EU contribution: 90%
The purpose of this multi-country Statistical Co-operation Programme 2011 is to improve the provision and quality of official statistics, and maintain the achievements of compliance already reached through the past programmes of statistical assistance.
Overall objectives:
- Take further the process of progressively integrating of Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) into the European Statistical System (ESS) forward by strengthening the SORS and its coordinating role in the statistical system of Republic of Serbia.
- Project aims to continue to support sustainable capacity building of the SORS for better meet the needs of it’s users by providing data that is accurate, reliable, timely, and compiled in full compliance with the acquis.
- Intensify efforts to improve the quality of statistical information and to reinforce confidence in methods and professionalism, thus providing policy makers and the international community with unquestioned statistical data.
Specific objectives:
- Improve the production, collection and dissemination of high quality statistics comparable with Community methods in key areas mainly related to newly adopted acquis.
- Improve the SORS ability to programme its activities in relation to the ESS.
- Improve the quality of statistical data, thus strengthening the administrative capacity via:
1. Joint implementation of sectoral projects corresponding to data production for the newly adopted acquis,
2. Improving the data quality through appropriate sectoral project(s)
3. Maintain the achievements of compliance already reached through the past programmes of statistical assistance
Multi-beneficiary IPA 2009 Programme
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/037/2022/865764
Project duration: 01/05/2022 – 30/04/2023
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
•Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
•Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
•Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
•Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
•Consumer Survey,
•Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry and Business Services ,which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/091/2021/846559
Project duration: 01/05/2021 – 30/04/2022
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
•Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
•Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
•Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
•Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
•Consumer Survey,
•Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/032/2020/SI2.825004
Project duration: 01/05/2020 – 30/04/2021
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
• Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
• Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
• Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
• Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
• Consumer Survey,
• Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/035/2019/797792
Project duration: 01/05/2019 – 30/04/2020
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas: • Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
• Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
• Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
• Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
• Consumer Survey,
• Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Business and Consumer Surveys
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/036/2018/774688
Project duration: 01/05/2018 – 30/04/2019
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
• Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
• Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
• Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
• Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
• Consumer Survey,
• Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Business and Consumer Surveys (2017-2018)
Grant Agreement Number: ECFIN/048/2017/751509
Project duration: 01/05/2017 – 30/04/2018
EU contribution: 50%
The European Commission, through Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), has awarded the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with a direct grant within the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.
The Business and Consumer Survey is implemented by all EU members with the aim to obtain quality information about the current state of doing business, as well as to forecast short-term developments in doing business by economic entities.
In line with the DG ECFIN methodology, the SORS will conduct monthly five surveys in the following business areas:
• Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
• Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
• Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
• Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
• Consumer Survey,
• Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted twice a year (March/April and October/November).
• Survey on Business Climate in Industry,
• Survey on Business Climate in Construction,
• Survey on Business Climate in Retail Trade,
• Survey on Business Climate in Business Services,
• Consumer Survey,
• Survey on Business Climate in the field of Investing into Manufacturing Industry, which will be conducted
twice a year (March/April and October/November).
Development and implementation of system for performance evaluation for Serbian HEIs and system (PESHES)
Project Title: Development and implementation of system for performance evaluation for Serbian HEIs and system (PESHES)
Programme: ERASMUS +
Number of partner institutions: 16
Project coordinator: University of Belgrade, Serbia
Project duration: 2016 – 2019
The project is implemented within the ERASMUS + Programme of the European Commission in which the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia participates as a partner institution.
The wider objective of this project is to achieve improvement of management, operation and quality of higher education institutions and system in Serbia. The specific objectives of the project are definition and implementation of indicators and measures for performance based evaluation of higher education institutions and system as basis for value based management in Serbian HEIs and system; structuring and pilot implementation of the system for ranking of institutions and study programs; introduction of performance measurement in accreditation and re-accreditation of study programs and HEIs.
The realizing of these objectives should improve of quality of education by fulfilling tasks defined in National Strategy of education and National Action Plan. Also, it should improve the performance in core activities of HEIs – higher quality and to modernize and improve the financing of education at the University.
The role of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, in this project is to contribute to the implementation of activities within the planned project’s work packages, especially by submitting data, information and analyses in areas where data on higher education are needed.
More information on PESHES project can be found on the project website:
Project number: SM 516851-2011
- Increasing the number and extend implication of existing government measures (as well as the legal framework for their implementation) aimed at ensuring equal chances for all groups of students.
- Establishing and institutionalise the practice of data collection and analysis in the domain of social dimension of higher education, both at the system and institutional level.
- Establishing a service network for supporting actual and potential students at the universities in Serbia.
- Enhance the legal framework for diversifying and enlarging the student body who are entering and completing higher education.
Partnership agreement: SEE/C/0006/4.1/X
1. Improve harmonization of the knowledge base necessary to anticipate current demographic trends that have impact on the growth of SEE regions and cities;
For more information on Cross Border Cooperation Program South East Europe as well as the project “Making Migration Work for Development" (MMWD) visit:
2010 Labor Force Survey ad hoc module on Reconciliation between work and family life
Grant Agreement Number – 10201.2009.002-2009.604
Project duration: 01/01/2010 – 01/10/2010
EU contribution: 70%
General Objective
Improve evidence base for employment policy design and for related programs in Serbia.
Specific objectives
1. Designing LFS 2010 ad hoc module on reconciliation between work and family life that reflects the primary
users’ needs;
2. Delivering the quality, reliable and timely data on the labor market behavior of persons with family
responsibilities, obtained through the national statistical system
2009 Labor Force ad hoc module on entry of young people into the labor market
Grant Agreement Number – 10302.2008.001-2008.832
Project duration: 15/01/2009 – 15/09/2009
EU contribution: 70%
General Objective
This action refers to adopting the specifications of the 2009 ad hoc module on the entry of young people into the labor market in LFS survey. The project aims at helping with the issue of transition of young people from school to work, resulting in the appropriate use of the statistical data in policy development in Serbia.
Specific objectives
Producing reliable up-to-date disaggregated data on young people; such data are required for:
1. Monitoring the trends by the Government and civil society
2. Evaluating of the policies and programs
3. International coordination
Satellite Accounts for Cooperatives and Mutuals
Grant Agreement Number – 30-CE-0316557/00-53
Project duration: 15/03/2010 – 01/12/2010
EU contribution: 90%
General Objective
To collect reliable, systematized and comparable information on the economic and social role and significance of the cooperatives and other social economy companies in national economy, in the conceptual framework of national accounts.
Specific objectives
1. Establishment of the Statistical Business Register of Cooperatives and Other Social Economy Companies as a
comprehensive framework for data collecting, processing and analyzing;
2. Compilation of Satellite Accounts of Cooperatives and Other Social Economy Companies in full compliance
with the methodological recommendations and procedures as defined in the Manual for Drawing up the
Satellite Accounts of Companies in the Social Economy (CIRIEC);
3. Compilation of other statistical monetary and non-monetary indicators on economic and social performances
of cooperatives and other social economy companies.
Satellite accounts for cooperative economy of the Republic of Serbia,2009
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Project management Unit e-mail: projekti@stat.gov.rs
Jelica Mirić e-mail: jelica.miric@stat.gov.rs tel: +381 11 2412 922, ext. |
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EU for development of statistics in Serbia
The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia |