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20.10.2023. -
Basic characteristics of families, 2022

The book “Families” provides the final results of the 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings on the main characteristics of families.

The book contains data on the number of families, by type - by settlements, as well as those on families with children by type and number of children - by municipalities and cities. In addition, one can also find in the dissemination database the table with data on families with children by family type, number and age of children - by municipalities and cities.

A family is the community of persons composed of only a married couple or couple living in a consensual union, or of parents (both parents or only one) and their children. A child is every person who, irrespective of the age and marital status, lives in the household with both or one of the parents, and who does not have in that household her/his marital/consensual partner or her/his own child.

Families by type

The results of the 2022 Census indicate that in the Republic of Serbia there are 1 904 314 families. The most numerous families are those of the type “marital couple with children“ (43.35%), followed by families of the type “marital couple without children“ (28.1%), then families of the type “mother with children” (16.8%), “father with children“ (4.7%),  “consensual couple with children“ (4%) and  „consensual couple without children “ (3%).

Таble 1. Families by type, by regions

  Total Family type
Marital couple without children Consensual couple without children Marital couple with children Consensual couple with children Mother with children Father with children
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 1904314 534725 57877 825428 76238 320057 89989
Beograski region 467110 107037 18154 206417 19371 93112 23019
Region Vojvodine 497139 139057 19863 206424 25300 84739 21756
Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije 527592 159146 9334 240576 13479 80621 24436
Region Južne i Istočne Srbije 412473 129485 10526 172011 18088 61585 20778
Region Kosovo i Metohija ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 100 28,08 3,04 43,35 4,00 16,81 4,73
Beograski region 100 22,91 3,89 44,19 4,15 19,93 4,93
Region Vojvodine 100 27,97 4,00 41,52 5,09 17,05 4,38
Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije 100 30,16 1,77 45,60 2,55 15,28 4,63
Region Južne i Istočne Srbije 100 31,39 2,55 41,70 4,39 14,93 5,04
Region Kosovo i Metohija ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

* The 2022 Census was not conducted on the territory of the AP Kosovo i Metohija. 

Families with children by type and number of children

In the Republic of Serbia, the results of the 2022 Census indicate that there are 1 311 712 families with children (69% оf the total number of 1 904 314 families). 

The largest share of families are those with one child (54.3%), followed by families with two children (36.1%), then families with three children (7.8%), while families with four and more children accounted for less than 2%. 

Таble 2. Families with children by type and number of children

  Total Families by number of children
With 1 child With 2 child With 2 child With 4 child With 5 and more children
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 1311712 711826 473669 102858 17843 5516
Marital couple with children 825428 375806 353688 79950 12655 3329
Consensual couple with children 76238 38081 26097 8024 2708 1328
Mother with children 320057 233856 72157 11447 1927 670
Father with children 89989 64083 21727 3437 553 189
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 100 54,27 36,11 7,84 1,36 0,42
Marital couple with children 100 45,53 42,85 9,69 1,53 0,40
Consensual couple with children 100 49,95 34,23 10,52 3,55 1,74
Mother with children 100 73,07 22,55 3,58 0,60 0,21
Father with children 100 71,21 24,14 3,82 0,61 0,21

Observed by family type, the share of families with one child is the largest among families of the type “mother with children” (73.1%) and “father with children“ (71.2%). Among families of the type “marital couple with children” there are no significant differences in the share of families with one child and with two children (45.5% and 42.8%, respectively), while among families of the type “consensual couple with children” there are 50% of families with one child, and slightly more than a third of families have two children (34.2%). 

The share of families with three and more children is the lowest among “mother with children” and “father with children” (about 4.5%), and the largest among families of the type “consensual couple with children” (15.8%).


Book 8: Families

Таble 1. Families by type, by settlements

Таble 2. Families with children by type, number and age of children, by municipalities and cities