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Earnings statistics provides monthly data on the level and trends of average salaries and wages up to the level of municipalities and divisions of activities, annual data on the level of salaries and wages by employees’ sex and qualification, as well as data on salaries and wages median and distribution.

Four-year Structure of Earnings Survey provides internationally comparable data on average salaries and wages by the characteristics of employees and business entities.



From 2018, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia calculates average salaries and wages on the basis of Tax Administration data. Due to the transition to a new data source and a new methodology, monthly Statistical release on average salaries and wages are published 55 days after the end of reference month to which earnings relate.

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25. July 2024. Average salaries and wages per employee, May 2024

Average gross salaries and wages calculated for May 2024 amounted to 138 332 RSD, while average net salaries and wages amounted to 100 170 RSD.

Average net salaries and wages in the period January-May 2024, relative to the same period last year increased by 15.2% in nominal terms, and 9.4% in real terms.

Median net salaries and wages for May 2024 amounted to 77 571 RSD, meaning that 50% of employees realised wages and salaries up to the mentioned amount.


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