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Permanent crop statistics

The Survey on orchards is envisaged to compile the data that present an indicator ensuring the proper agricultural policy making and its evaluation. In addition, this survey is regarded as the framework for conducting regular annual statistical surveys that compile the data on areas of orchards and fruit production.  

The Survey on orchards is implemented in the EU Member States in five-year periodic. In the Republic of Serbia this specialized survey was for the first carried out in 2017.

The Agricultural statistics development strategy, which was adopted by the Serbian Government in December 2014, defined the steps of aligning the Serbian agricultural statistics with the EU acquis. The strategy envisaged that the Survey on orchards should be conducted in 2017, as a joint undertaking of the SORS and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, with the professional support by the extension services in agriculture.           

The Survey compiles the data on areas, planation density and age for the following fruit species: apples, pears, apricots and peaches, presented by sorts, regardless whether desert kind or for industrial processing. Also compiled are the data on planted areas for the following fruit species: plums, sour cherries, raspberries, cherries, quinces, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, blackberries and blueberries.

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19. October 2018. 2017 Survey on orchards: Results

2017 Survey on orchards was carried out within IPA 2015 Programme and it is fully compliant with Regulation (EU) number 1337/2011 concerning European statistics on permanent crops and the methodology defined by Eurostat as regards this survey.

The Survey on orchards in the Republic of Serbia was conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in 2017, and there from it has been introduced in the Plan of regular statistical surveys. The next survey on orchards is envisaged to be implemented in 2022.    


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