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12.06.2019. -
Water use and protection against pollution, 2018

In 2018, 4.175 million m3 of water was used in the industry sections. The majority of water was used for cooling purposes in electric power generation. The used water increased by 3.2% in relation to the previous year. A total of 4.150 million m3 of water was discharged, i.e. 3.7% more than the previous year.

From a total of 4.175 million m3 of water in the industry sections, 99.6% included water from own abstraction (98.8% surface water, 0.9% groundwater), and 0.4% from public water supply system.    

Water used for industry purposes, observed by sections and in relation to the previous year, recorded the following trend in 2018: Mining and quarrying – 11.3% decrease; Manufacturing – 40.7% decrease; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply – 4.9% increase.

Out of total water used for industry purposes, 97.7% included water used for Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, 2.0% for Manufacturing and 0.3% for Mining and quarrying.

In 2018, out of a total of 4.150 million m3 of discharged water, 97.8% included discharged water from the cooling system, while 2.2% was wastewater from the production process.

From a total quantity of discharged wastewater in industry, 98.0% related to wastewater from the section of Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, 1.8% from the section of Manufacturing and 0.2% from Mining and quarrying section.

Primary treatment with 85.3% is the most frequently used treatment in the industry sections, followed by a secondary treatment with 9.8% and tertiary treatment with 4.9%.